Tag Archives: Spine Implants

Exploring Spine Implants: An Insight into Instrument Sets and Their Uses

Spinal surgery is a highly specialized field requiring precision, skill, and various specialized instruments. Spine implants and the equipment sets used to implant them are critical to achieving satisfactory surgical outcomes.  This blog discusses the different types of spine implants, the components of spine instrument sets, their specialized uses in various surgical procedures, breakthroughs in […]

Understanding Minimally Invasive Spine Screws: Benefits, Types, and Uses

Modern spinal operations have come a long way, focusing more on less-invasive methods. The utilization of MIS screws, or minimally invasive spine screws, is an integral part of these treatments. What Are Minimally Invasive Spine Screws? When it comes to spinal processes, specialist implants called Minimally Invasive Spine (MIS) screws help in stabilizing and supporting […]